Not Hyperbole, not Idiom, not Metaphor, so it must be Personification
1. Agrarian - organized or designed to promote agricultural interests Agrarian covers the areas of agriculture, farming and distribution.
2. Fall line - place where rivers descend in falls or rivers from a piedmont to a plain Fall line limits the borders up until if there was upward land.
3. Piedmont - land at the foot of a mountain. Piedmont is the immediate area around the hill
4. Artisan - one trained in some mechanic art or trade Artisan is a person who is extremely hand skilled.
5. Drainage basin - a land drained by a river and its tributaries Drainage basin is the region that formed after the river runs out of water.
6. Growing season - the period between the last killing frost in the spring and the first killing frost in the fall
Growing season is that time of the year when crop growth is in good length.
7. Sod - soil filled with the roots of grass, herbs, and so forth
Sod is generally the root area with sand and roots when the plant is pulled out
Use the thesis statement notes/tips you've been given. Remember to include 3 main points for your thesis statement.
"Where there is love there is life."
Mahatma Ghandi
Every person experiences love differently. Laughter, too, is an essential part of the human experience. In an informative essay, discuss your interpretation of the above quote, using textual evidence from assigned Quarter 1 rea
The dress code that's expected- Apex