traded on information that was not available to the public.
Brianna, a salesperson for Cosmetics Corporation, learns that Cosmetics will increase the dividend it pays to shareholders. Brianna buys 10,000 shares of Cosmetics stock. When the price increases, Brianna sells the shares for a profit. If Brianna is liable for insider trading, it is because she traded on information that was not available to the public.
Fund only individual citizens; fund only projects for states and localities
(1) Depreciation on factory equipment. ____MOH
(2) Depreciation on delivery trucks. ____ Period Cost
(3) Wood used to build a bookcase. ____Direct Material
(4) Production supervisor’s salary. ____ MOH
(5) Glue and screws used in the bookcases. ____ MOH
(6) Wages of persons who assemble the bookcases. ____Direct Labor
(7) Cost to run an ad on local radio stations. ____Period Cost
(8) Rent for the factory. ____ MOH
(9) CEO’s salary. ____ Period Cost
(10) Wages of person who sands the wood after it is cut.
Direct Labor
Period Cost are costs that are not directly involved in the manufacturing costs of a product but are incurred in a particular period. These expenses include advertising and selling expenses.
Direct Materials are material used to make a product . For example wood is a direct material for making shelves.
Direct Labor are the wages paid to the people who work in the production of a product.
Manufacturing Overheads are charges associated with the manufacturing of a product.they are indirect costs of the production like rent of the building etc.
transactional leadership
Transactional leadership is a style in which the leader tries to encourage its employees to perform well in their jobs by using rewards and punishments. According to this, the answer is that transactional leadership focuses on clarifying employees’ role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.
work experience is the correct answer for PLATO