Energy coupling the affect of the sun providing evergy to cells. Coupling is the thing that has the energy to provide it
Must be a comet I believe
Xigris (Drotrecogin alfa) is not an antibiotic but is approved for the specific indication of sepsis because of its anticoagulant properties.
Xigris (Drotrecogin alfa) is a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the reduction of mortality in adult patients with severe sepsis who have a high risk of death. Xigris (Drotrecogin alfa) is placed under the class of serine proteases and it has anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, and profibrinolytic properties.
The answer would be:
its shape
its action
Pronator means that the muscle will be doing pronation movement. The pronation movement could happen in the hands and feet.
The word teres saying that its shape is round. The name doesn't contain a hint about the number(like bi-ceps or tri-ceps) or the location(like palmar or plantar).