A symbol is an object or an image that represents something else besides what it is materially. Usually, there is no connection between the object and what it represents but there is a consense among the people that it is that way. It also allows people to go beyond what is known and create linkages between different concepts and experiences.
I hope this answer helps you.
A. conditioned stimulus (CS)
Conditioned stimulus: In psychology, the term conditioned stimulus is also denoted as CS, and is one of the important parts in the classical conditioning theory. The conditioned stimulus is defined as a formerly neutral stimulus that triggers a conditioned response once it gets associated or connected with the UCS or unconditioned stimulus.
In other words, the conditioned stimulus is initially a neutral stimulus that produces conditioned response.after getting attached to UCS.
In the question above, the dog's salivation to the sound of the bell is called the conditioned stimulus.
a. Went on crusades , built churches , and collected holy relics