ram is completing his work
To seek redress means to seek to right something that was unjust. In this sense it often means to gain satisfaction in response to a grievance or complaint about an unjust situation such as an undue loss or damages. Satisfying a redress may involve financial reparations or punishment in the case of violent crimes.
I don't know
what does Mrs saunders face say to the world
For capital letters, we can just add the ending -s, for example:
I got As in the final exam.
for lower-case letters, an apostrophe is used to avoid confusion:
In the multiple-choice exam all the correct answers happened to be a's! (as in: option a)
When faced with a lack of material possession, it is natural for humans to cling to sentiment, hence the value placed on immaterial concepts such as family, honor, and hard work in Mexican culture. Why should being poor exclude someone from the right to procreate? It is a basic human right. They are not having children out of spite. There is a blatant cultural difference that many choose to ignore. Being poor does not mean you are not allowed to live the best life that you can. As for the threat of overpopulation within the United States, many of the latest generation have pledged not to have children. Eventually, we will need a population boost, if for no other reason than to fill the age gap in the work force.