individuals will tend to become free riders, and private firms will have difficulty generating enough revenue to produce an efficient quantity of the good.
A public good is a good that is non excludable and non rivalrous. Everyone has assess to the statue and because one person is enjoying the view of the statue does not means another person cannot enjoy the view of the statue
The free rider problem is a form of market failure. It occurs when people benefit from a good or service of communal nature and do not pay to enjoy these services.
Because a public good is non-excludable, the problem of free rider increases so private firms would be unable to generate adequate revenue
Answer: Return on sales is calculated based on sales volume and not profit
This can be explained by understanding the scenario; the price that discounters pay is lower than any other channel. Discounters have high variable cost, they only pay $52 for the Russel with 41percent return on sales. They also larger fixed costs than the other channels and the return on sales is calculated based on sales volume and not profit.
Lies below its demand curve and is steeper than its demand curve.
The marginal revenue curve for a monopolist lies below the demand curve because of the quantity effect. The quantity effect refers to the fact that even a monopolist must lower its price if it wants to sell a larger quantity of goods or services.
The slope of the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve because it reflects the market power of the monopolist. Instead, the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm (with 0 market power) is horizontal or perfectly elastic.
I think it’s the second one letter B