All are the part of a flower- Pedicel, calyx,thalamus, corolla, epicalyx, stigma,style, anther, filament, ovary.
PEDICEL- Pedicel is small stalk through which flower attached to the plant or to the inflorescence.
THALAMUS- It is the swollen axis on which flowers attached. It is oval n swollen. All the 4 whorls of flower embedded on thalamus.
CALYX- Calyx is green colored small leaf like structure attached to the base of the flower. Usually calyx detached from flower . Some calyx are persistent. They remain attached with fruits. Example- Tomato, chilies, capsicum, brinjal and lady's finger.
EPICALYX- It is similar to calyx. It forms another whorl down to the calyx. It is leaf like structure smaller than calyx.
COROLLA- Corolla is the colored part of the flower. It is also known as petal( singular). It can be big to small depending on flower. It is brightly colored to attract insects for pollination. Its different color is due to presence of chromoplast.
STIGMA- Stigma is the part of reproductive structure in flower. For fertilization pollen should reach in ovary to fuse. Through stigma pollen reach to the ovary. This is the surface pollen set to get entry inside ovary.
STYLE- Style is the passage to transfer pollen from stigma to ovary. It is a tube like structure connecting stigma with ovary.
OVARY-Stigma, style with ovary are female reproductive organ of a flower.Ovary contains ovules. It is the place of fertilization of ovule with pollen.
ANTHER-Stamen is the male part of flower. Stamen has two parts - filaments and ANTHER. Anther is oval shaped structure. In anther pollens are filled.
FILAMENT-The slender stalk connecting anther to the base is filament. Filament provides support to anther.