A marmoset is a member of the family of primates and are known to be one of the smallest monkey. They are measured to have a body length of 12 - 15 inches and has a mass of approximately 100 - 125 g. Comparing to monkeys, marmosets have distinct characteristics. Instead of having nails, they have claws, they tactile hair or a sensitive hair found on their wrists. They do not have wisdom teeth and the layout of their brain is primitive.
James B. Connolly of Massachusetts was the first modern Olympic champion to be rewarded with a silver medal. He represented the Suffolk Athletic Club
B. retain its urine in it’s blood stream
Sharks are cartilaginous fishes that lives in the ocean. Oceans are always salty, hence organisms need to maintain a salt-water balance between their internal and external environment because of osmosis. Sharks are able to maintain this by ensuring that the amount of solutes in their internal environment is as much as that in their external environment.
Sharks retain a chemical contained in urine called UREA in their bloodstream to counter the osmotic effect of the salt concentration in the waters they live. This helps them maintain a concentration balance with their environment.
The organic molecule called glycogen is formed of branched chains of sugar units.
-Glycogen is a branched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria.
-In humans, glycogen is made and stored in liver and muscle cells. Muscle cell glycogen is broken down into glucose, and liver glycogen is broken down into glucose as a circulating energy source glucose for use by the body.
-Glycogen is accumulated in response to insulin and broken down into glucose in response to glucagon. It plays a major role in maintaining the blood-glucose levels, which is vital since some organs in the body such as the brain purely depend on glucose for energy.