Let us do it by converting the 0.4 to a fraction, it has one decimal, so we'll use one zero at the denominator.
and 9.21 to a fraction as well, two decimals, thus two zeros at the denominator then,
Answer: 1 = 6 - 5 + 3 × 0
Answer: The correct answer is Tyrell, Yen, Hana....its C
Step-by-step explanation: Hope this helped :}
The mode is defined as the number that appears most within a given sequence.
The median is the middle number of a given sequence listed from least to greatest.
Let's look for the mode.
We have:
9, 9
9 appears the most, so the mode is 9.
Let's find the median now.
4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10.
Cross out the smallest number with the largest number until we can no longer do so.
5, 7, 8, 9, 9.
7, 8, 9.
Your median is 8.
Your mode is 9.
I hope this helps!