Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. ... Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Nepal architecture can roughly be divided into three groups – the Pagoda style, the Stupa style and the Shikhara style – together with indigenous elements from the Newari people.
Answer:Slippery Slope fallacies
Slippery Slope: a slippery slope is based on rejecting a series of action without sufficient evidence or with no evidence that they will cause a series of unfortunate or undesirable ends.
So one accepts before something happens that particular actions or situations are bound to create a very prolematic future. One accepts that the future is doomed without even evidence that these recent series of action will bring that.
"The more people that come here, the more our government will have to provide for them. The more our government doles out, the further in debt our nation will become, and this means the higher our taxes will become! The next thing we will find is that our economy will be in just as poor a condition as the one from which these immigrants came! These are the events that has not been fully proven but there at assumptions that as they are listed they may cause a very negative outcome.