<span>Like any other change, when an organism undergoes growth over time it is referred to as development -a life process.
</span><span>1. Uses the light of the sun to create food and be distributed and passed to other organisms thru the food chain: Photosynthesis
2. The ability of an organism's physiology to maintain internal environment regardless of the external environment: Homeostasis
3. <span>A process that helps in chemical transformations within the cells of all living organisms: Metabolism
4. is the ability of an organism to exchange gases vital to organismic growth and survival: Respiration
5. The ability of an organism to produe offsprings: Reproduction</span></span>
Transgender is a broad category referring to anybody whose gender identity, the gender they psychologically feel like they are, doesn't match their assigned sex, the gender defined by their physical traits.
Cisgender and cissexual are the same thing. It is the opposite of transgender. While a transgender person disagrees with their assigned sex, a cisgender/cissexual person identifies as their assigned sex.
Gamma-Rays have the shortest wavelength.
hybridization is categorized as crossing organisms that have different traits to bring together the best of each. However, this can come with some post-zygotic barriers.
Reduced hybrid viability: hybrid offspring does not survive
Reduced hybrid fertility: hybrid offspring cannot reproduce
hybrid breakdown: first generation of hybrids are viable and fertile, however, their offspring (generation 3) are sterile.
It is false I think or true but I am sure it is not true