Identical twins tend to be more similar to each other than fraternal twins do.
No it is not balanced because there are four oxygen atoms in H2SO4 while there 5 oxygen atoms in the reactants side
<u><em>Naturally acquired active immunity:</em></u> It happens when someone is exposed to a live disease and gets the disease. The person then becomes immune as a result of the first immune response.
It's sort of like a fall and learn to get up for the body.
<em><u>Artificially acquired active immunity</u></em>: It can be isert into the body by a vaccine so you won't get sick. That's why if you get a flu shot, you won't get the flu, if you get a chicken pox vaccine, you won't get the chicken pox.
It's like you're body has a personal guide telling it where and where not to step in order to not fall.
Outermost shell means valence electrons and the 36th element (krypton) has 8 valence electrons
Rotational movements need the most thoracic mobility. This is because a rotational movement (such as twisting) because the movements are more three dimensional, and this is where the most can go wrong. For example, if you were holding a 35lb child and simply bent forward to put him/her down, this is less likely to cause injury than if you were to twist your torso to the right and put the child down. There is a lot more spinal stability and mobility needed for the second motion than the first.