Erik would best be diagnosed with male-to-female gender dysphoria,
<u><em>Early-Onset</em></u> type.
or, to put it in a different case scenario,
<u><em>Androphilic</em></u> type.
Early-Onset male-to-female gender dysphoria is diagnosed to those who have had identity issues starting from childhood to the present.
Diagnosing Early-Onset M to F gender dysphoria is quite tricky at times, especially as a child. Children often get misdiagnosed or misgendered by the facilitators even with work requirements, the same goes for adolescents and adults.
Here are the some elements that help psychiatric doctors diagnose and understand your situations.
Identifying as gay for a period of time that is then followed by the prior gender dysphoria.
Insecurities about oneself's body or body parts.
Feelings of being mistreated, depressed, suicidal, alone, or anxious due to identification or sexual orientation.
Feelings as if not being understood or taken advantage of.
Fear or Social Isolation due to harassment or bullying.