I think it's c. north and south poles.
I hope this helps have a great day
Feldspar a common mineral found in rocks have two cleavage plane and can be cleaved in two directions nearly at right angle . Mica is a group of sheet silica that have perfect basal cleavage plane, and can be cleaved only in one direction.
1. What modes of exercise are appropriate for this athlete?
Plyometric activity, based on a quick transition from eccentric to concentric muscle actions will help recover the power that the quadriceps are able to produce, increasing the rate of force production.
the athlete should complete weightlifting movements to overloading and improve the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) to build impulse amplitude per step of the sprint.
2. What tests should be performed to determine the athlete's readiness for upper body plyometrics?
Successfully performing five clap push-ups in a row will be necessary to check readiness for upper body plyometric training. Upper and lower body resistance training can also be used.
3. Describe all appropriate design variables and provide the rationale for the choices.
Intensity should be gradual from low to medium-high (gradually from a 2-pound [~1 kg] medicine ball throw to a 6-pound [~3 kg] medicine ball throw);
It should be done at least two times per week; four weeks
4. What resistance training exercises may assist the athlete in reaching her goal?
Rest time in between exercises should be on a five to one work time ratio (i.e., 5:1 rest-to-work ratio).
Mastectomy is the surgical procedure that involves removal of an entire breast and many of the surrounding tissue
Maximum Thrift is a method / philosophy that considers the shortest tree (in number of transformation steps) the best hypothesis about the phylogenetic relationship of a given set of terminals. Transformation step is the cost attributed to the change of character state in a given branch of the tree, be it the change from one nucleotide base to another, amino acids, or the color of an animal's iris. The fewer transformations, the shorter the tree, and therefore the more parsimonious. In this method, what programs do is to investigate as many alternative topologies as possible (or all if their array has less than 25 terminals; see more details below) given their character array. Each will be measured, and the shorter (optimal) trees will be retained as the most parsimonious result.