The shirt is soft
and red: Qualitative
It is 72 degrees
Fahrenheit outside: Qualitative
The river flows more
quickly in the spring
than in the summer: Quantitative
There are eight elephants
over the age of six: Qualitative
<em>The grasshopper competes with the sheep for food, thereby reducing the available quantity and quality of food for the sheep.</em>
In an ecosystem, many organisms rely on the same food source. The success of a particular species in extracting the food source better than another species that needs that same food source can affect the success of population of this other species of animal. If the number of grasshopper in this pasture becomes too much, it might lead to the consumption of a large portion of the pasture by the grasshopper, leading to a reduction in the available food for the sheep. If this happens, the population of the sheep might decline in order to balance the increase in the population of the grasshopper.
The strong hydrogen bonds in water made water stable and difficult to breakdown into constituent oxygen and hydrogen atoms. at a temprature less than 100 degree..
Oxygen is a strong electronegative atom than the two hydrogen atoms it is attached to in water. It pulls more electrons to itself than the hydrogen atoms.. This strengthened hydrogen bonds in water .
Consequently, it will be difficult for the needed oxygen atoms to simply diffuse into the alveoli to reach the blood,Compare to its molecular form where its atoms awere held by relatively week covalent bonds.
Besides the porosity of the thin alveolar endothelial walls of 0.2 micrometer is too small for the larger water molecules to pass through.