Use a remote control to advance slides when possible.
Carly gave a presentation using projector. She very clearly explained all the contents of each and every slides to the audiences and was very careful not to obstruct or block the projection. Carly was going very well with her presentations, when she found that two of her slides were out of order and became nervous. But she managed to recover them quickly.
The guideline that I can provide her to improve her presentation skills is to use a remote control when advancing slides. In this way she can show her slides in the projector in order without any mistakes. Also she can check the order of her slides before the beginning of the presentation in order to avoid last minute hassle.
The remote control will advance the slides accurately and orderly.
Thus the answer is ---
Use a remote control to advance slides when possible.
Political decentralisation. ...
Administrative decentralisation. ...
Fiscal decentralisation. ...
Market decentralisation.
Role diffusion
Role diffusion: This is the 5th stage if Erick Erickson's psycho-social stage. it occurs during adolescence fro 12 to 18 years. In this stage, the adolescent search for the sense of self and role confusion is there. The adolescent stage is the transfer of the childhood stage to the adolescent stage. At this stage, children are more independent and confident and looking for a career, family relationship, housing. The child wants to in society and to be fit in. The adolescent mind is a moratorium, psycho-social stage between childhood and adulthood. It is a stage between a childhood learned morality and adulthood learns ethics development. This is the major role where a child learns his role and found himself in adulthood. Erickson said that two identities found there.
The sexual and the occupational.