The answer is d. they are seeking to either support or reject the hypothesis upon which the study was founded
Answer:they met with new people
so you know more about your rights as a citizen
Woodstock it was up in update new York it was called Woodstock festival.
Answer:A representative who votes in accordance with the wishes of his or her constituency is acting as an INSTRUCTED DELEGATE.
one who pursues the best national interest, regardless of public opinion in his or her constituency, is acting as a TRUSTEE.
In political representation, an instructed delegate is the person who is chosen to represent or act on behalf of the district that has elected them.A trustee acts on their own logical personal
judgement for the good of everyone in their nation.
The instructed delegate represent parties with conflict of interest whilst trusteed represent parties within a particular nation or province or state Delegates act according to the instructions given to them by their constituents.
They follow order given to them by constituents even when casting the votes eventhough they may not agree with the part to which they cast their vote but their personal opinions do not apply. Such as delegates in the United Nations will cast their votes according to the instructions made by the president.
Trustees use their own personal logic and analysis to vote. They present a particular nation they act on the benefits of everyone , with one goal in mind that is shared amongst that nation or state.