No, I wouldn't marry a stranger. Marrying a stranger would be simply too dangerous. Seeking affection and attention can be a common ideal aspect that many individuals seek, yet not all have. But for if you were to choose to marry someone you don't know, you could never know what they could do or have planned. With said, marrying a stranger could bring many dangerous occurrences and consequences brung into your life.
My favorite toy as a child was a Finona plusie. I loved this toy because at the time Shrek was my favorite movie. Her hair was braid with yarn. Her dress was green and velvet with golden details on the torso. She had a crown attached to her head. This toy was given to me by my mother.
Answer: <u>a few</u> people.....
i m tired because i got very <u>few</u> sleep at night
i ll only need <u>a few</u> more minutes to finish my homework
is there any milk left 'yes, <u>a little</u>
i posted that comment <u>a few </u>days ago
i had <u>a few</u> subscribers to my video blog.....
<u>The Greek stories show that love was mostly around passion and not of the caring love</u>. Zeus, for example, the king of the gods made stupid things to sleep with girls; once he turned into a white bull just to carry away a woman. He even turned into rain just to enter a woman's room.
In Perseus story, that happens when the king of the island Perseus and his mother, Danae, lives wants to marry her. However, he is a cruel man and Danae refuses to marry him. The king, then, sends Perseus away from his home to face the Medusa.
In Perseus story and in Zeus example, it is clear how Greeks tend to see love: only beauty matters, and the lover can try everything to reach the loved one. Even then, the Greeks show how tragic can be a blind passion, the lover who doesn't truly care about the loved one tend to perish. In Perseus story, the hero brings back the Medusa head and saves his mother from the king, who was mad when Perseus came back from his adventure and tried to kill Danae. Of course, the passions Zeus persecuted just ended badly for the women, since he was the king of the gods.
There are other examples of caring love, personified in Homero Odyssey, for example. Odisseu took 20 years to come back home, and his wife, Penelope, waited all those years for him.