Neurotransmitters that are not reabsorbed drift out of the synaptic gap, through diffusion. This is how the synaptic gap is cleared, in preparation for the next release of a new batch of these chemical messengers.
-The majority of neurotransmitters drift across the synaptic gap and come into contact with receptor sites of the receiving neurons dendrites. Receptor site is the location where neurotransmitters attach on the receiving side of the synaptic gap. Because there are a variety of neurotransmitters a variety of receptor sites also exist.
-It is necessary for the right neurotransmitter to fit a corresponding receptor site to convey the message.
-When the neuro transmitters latch onto the receptors of the dendrites of the receiving neuron tiny gates in the receiving cells membrane fly open ushering positively charged particles into the cell and restarting the cycle of action potential.
-The firing of one neuron contributes to the potential for neighboring neurons to fire as a result of its chemical message. Reuptake process by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the sending terminal bud. Neurotransmitters that are not reabsorb drift out of the synaptic gap through diffusion