I believe the answer would be lipids.
Within your blood, red blood cells have a specialized task. ... Your blood then transports carbon dioxide back to the lungs where you can ... They extend like tree branches into the lung.
Cohesion and adhesion of water molecules
Cohesion has to do with the ability of water to adhere together .
The cohesive properties of water which is occasioned by hydrogen bonding between adjacent water molecules allow the column of water to move up through the plant irrespective of the force of gravity as water molecules are evaporating at the leaf surface.
The adhesive properties of water, which means, the attraction between the water molecule and the xylem wall also ensure continuity in the movement of the water column in the xylem.
Hence the cohesive and adhesive properties of water molecules are important for transpiration to occur.
<span>De obicei, o colonie de miere de albine este format din trei tipuri de albine adulte, muncitori, drone și regina. Câteva mii de albine colaborează în construirea de cuiburi, colectarea de alimente și creșterea tinere. Fiecare grup de albine are propriile sale sarcini specifice pentru a finaliza, în ceea ce privește vârsta lor.
Sper ca asta ajuta! :)</span>
As i am asked to lead a research team to observe gorillas in their natural environment I will prefer a team having persons expert in having knowledge of forest in which we are doing research on gorillas. They must be experience in working with gorillas and familiar with their nature.
My team should have a person who know to use the tranquilizer gun because to collect the DNA sample gorilla needs to be tranquilized. My team should have one veterinary doctor who can examine the animal and take the DNA sample.
People with Good communication skills, observation skills and critical thinking skills are required in the team to successfully complete the research.