As the moon rotates around the Earth the angle of light given off from the sun changes.
the answer is the beetle is neither harmed nor helped by the mite.
The answer is: A. True
Complex sugars or polysaccharides are composed of basic units called monosaccharides that are linked via glycosidic bonds. Glycosidic bond is formed through condensation reactions (water is released) that occur between a hydroxyl (OH) oxygen atom on one sugar and the α-anomeric form of C-1 on the other. There are are two types of glycosidic bonds:
- 1,4 alpha ( the OH is below the glucose ring)
- 1,4 beta glycosidic bonds (the OH is above the glucose ring)
Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into smaller glucose molecules, it act on α-1,4-glycosidic bonds and it works in mouth where the digestion begins (salivary amylase) . Maltase breaks down maltose into glucose; sucrase, breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose; and lactase, which breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose work in small intestine and also act on α-1,4-glycosidic bonds.
Plants living in dry areas face conflict.
- Since they live in dry areas they will undergo more transpiration.
- If they open stomata during the day there will be excessive loss of water vapor that will result in their death.
- Therefore plants living in this area open the stomata during the night to obtain Carbon dioxide.
- This checks the loss of water through transpiration and provides the carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.