Members of the ku klux Klan attacked African Americans
In the context of the history of slavery in the Americas, free people of color (French: gens de couleur libres; Spanish: gente de color libre) were people of mixed African, European, and sometimes Native American descent who were not enslaved. The term arose in the French colonies, including La Louisiane and settlements on Caribbean islands, such as Saint-Domingue (Haiti), St.Lucia, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, where a distinct group of free people of color developed. Freed African slaves were included in the term affranchis, but historically they were considered as distinct from the free people of color. In these territories and major cities, particularly New Orleans, and those cities held by the Spanish, a substantial third class of primarily mixed-race, free people developed. These colonial societies classified mixed-race people in a variety of ways, generally related to visible features and to the proportion of African ancestry.[citation needed] Racial classifications were numerous in Latin America.
I found these choices on the internet:
Women were starting to take on more involved roles.
The navy was removing women from active combat.
Military leaders were beginning to put women in command.
More women than men were serving in the military.
The answer would be <span>
Women were starting to take on more involved roles.
Women roles quickly change because of the war. More than 100,000 women worked in the Women's Army Corps during World War II, which later became recognized as the Women’s Army Corps. Women also participated in the United States Navy.
President Thomas Jefferson sought to purchase the town of New Orleans and the surrounding territory, then simply known as the Louisiana Territory, from the French in order to secure trading routes for the United States. He wanted to prevent any disruption in American economics that would come from disrupted trade
What shared beliefs and experiences enabled them to keep the nation together, despite their deep disagreements?
Despite their differences, the Republicans and the Federalists always agreed with the fact that the new Constitution was needed because the Articles of Confederation caused a series of troubles because of the lack of a central government. The Constitution came in 1788 and this new country needed to become strong in the eyes of other countries. This was the main purpose that united both Republicans and Federalists. In 1800s Presidential power switched hands to the Republican party with the win of Jefferson, who said in his inauguration that <em>“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”</em>.
Was there ever a serious danger that the new federal government could have collapsed in civil war?
Yes, if the Confederacy won the war the new federal government would have collapsed because there would be a huge possibility for other states to leave the Union.