Divide using long division. The whole number portion will be the number of times the denominator of the original fraction divides evenly into the numerator of the original fraction, and the fraction portion of the mixed number will be the remainder of the original fraction division over the denominator of the original fraction.
3 and 3 over 6
the drop in the level of water in the container is 2.03 cm
Step-by-step explanation:
The volume of a cylinder can be written as;
the change in height when the volume changes can be derived by differentiating the equation.
substituting the given values;
the drop in the level of water in the container is 2.03 cm
35 x 12= 420 Multiply 35 by 12. that equals 420
x Y
0 - 0
1 - 5
2 - 10
Step-by-step explanation:
First box is 0
next is 5
the last is 10