In the US, people need to stop lying to each other in the name of being polite or accepting. It has fostered a society that believes it is entitled to anything, and is far too easily offended. This in turn makes it unreceptive to even constructive criticism, thereby becoming a breeding ground for other problems.
Secret 4 is a little different than the oft-repeated slogan, “Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.” Instead, it says that media face the same issues over and over again as technologies change and new people come into the business.The fight between today’s recording companies and file sharers has its roots in the battle between music publishers and the distributors of player piano rolls in the early 1900s. The player piano was one of the first technologies for reproducing musical performances. Piano roll publishers would buy a single copy of a piece of sheet music and hire a skilled pianist to have his or her performance recorded as a series of holes punched in a paper roll. That roll (and the performance) could then be reproduced and sold to anyone who owned a player piano without further payment to the music’s original publisher.
The colonists were unhappy with the way things were going. Each new tax was more of a burden than before and they eventually god fed up with it, which resulted with the Boston Tea Party, and the rest is history.
Why dont you just pick two places in the video and say why its not hard just watch the video and pick two cool random places
The consumer's right to be informed means that the information used to make buying decisions should be __________.
immediate availability