Netflix's products are targeted towards the lower-middle class and up, specifically targeted to people (or households) with income levels of $30,000 and up. In addition, Netflix offers movie and TV titles that appeal to many racial/ethnic groups with its array of foreign and international films.
A great example of market saturation is Netflix. While new streaming services are in the introduction and growth stages, the market originator has reached its saturation point.
In the fourth quarter of 2019, Netflix accounted for 40% of the market. By Q3 2020, it was at 36%. Below is where each major streaming service stands in market share in the US as of Q4 2020, according to data from Antenna: Netflix — 34%
I want to say c cause it's 40 but then again I don't know
Developer's Covenants are the most restrictive of the restrictions in place for the land's use.
What developers use restrictive covenants for?
Restrictive covenants are frequently used by land developers to divide the land for residential complexes. After platting the subdivision into lots, blocks, and roadways, a property developer will put some restrictions on how the lots in the development can be used.
Do restrictive covenants expire?
Only after a covenant has been broken for at least a year without receiving any complaints is it possible to purchase restrictive covenant indemnity insurance. However, if purchased, the policy will endure forever and can frequently be transferred to new owners of the property.
Learn more about restrictive covenants: