1 and 2Which of the following is a characteristic of the Puritans in Massachusetts (check all that apply):
ved in toleration of others by allowing dissenters to debate within the church.
They did not practice religious freedoms<span>Magistrates administered laws of the colony and rules of the church</span>
Because when they are selfish and choose their career over the good of our own people this is A. Generally a huge character flaw and B. Because our country needs to be protected and safe, our elected officials are elected to represent us NOT to further their own advancement.
Due to their miserable condition.
The attitudes of French people change in French society in the 18th century because of their bad governance of the king and miserable condition. The attitude of common people changed towards monarch and they want to better their life by removing monarchy type of government and formed a government which work for their welfare. So due to their miserable conditions the attitude of the individual person change that leads to French revolution,