asexual reproduction is produced without intercorse while sexual reproducttion is with intercorse
A bottleneck effect
When only a few individuals survive unfavorable times, thereby losing the majority of genotypes in the next generation, it is called a bottleneck effect.
It occurs when there is a disaster of some sort that reduces a population to a small handful, which rarely represents the actual genetic makeup of the initial population.
1. Merocrine
2. Holocrine
Merocrine glands are the exocrine glands that synthesize their secretions on ribosomes attached to rough ER. These secretions are packaged by the Golgi complex into the secretory vesicles and are released from the cell via exocytosis. Tear glands, salivary glands are some examples of merocrine glands.
The cells of holocrine glands do not have vesicles but accumulate a secretory product in their cytosol. The mature secretory cells rupture to release the secretory product. This results in the presence of large amounts of lipids from the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes in secretions of these glands. One example of a holocrine gland is an oil-producing gland of the skin.
The spores of some fungi are dispersed in water or on the surface of water. The chemical composition of the wall of these spores makes them "non-wettable" so they won't sink. The spores are carried along on the surface of the water like little boats. Water in the form of raindrops can disperse spores in a different way. While gravity is not a primary means of spore dispersal, evolutionary adaptations have been required of many fungi to overcome gravitational effects for effective spore dispersal. SPORE DISPERSAL BY WIND Dispersal of fungal spores by wind is by far the most common method for terrestrial fungi.
<span>The answer is A. This is because the P53 gene is involved in a cell cycle regulation and is thought to hold the cell in a particular phase until DNA defects are repaired. </span>