Mac OS came out in 2001. This is software that was created by Apple to run the "Mac Computers." This software is still used to this day.
MS-DOS came out in 1981. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run x86 computers. This software is no longer used.
Windows New Technology came out in 1985. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run a ton of different computers. This software is still used to this day.
Windows Vista came out in 2006. This software that was created by Microsoft to run a variety of personal computers. This software is no longer used.
By the information given, Windows Vista was the last to be released.
Best of Luck!
numbers = 1:1:100;
for num=numbers
remainder3 = rem(num,3);
remainder5 = rem(num,5);
if remainder3==0
if remainder3 == 0 && remainder5 == 0
disp ("Yee-Haw")
if remainder5==0
disp("Not a multiple of 5 or 4")
- Initialize the numbers variable from 1 to 100.
- Loop through the all the numbers and find their remainders.
- Check if a number is multiple of 5, 3 or both and display the message accordingly.
Web browsing
Peer-to-peer services
Answer and Explanation:
Within the following operating mode, most of the wireless controller remains linked through the main point (access point) for that broader server. The server runs within ad-hoc modes when this does not run under the following mode. Wireless servers wouldn't have the connectivity to interact within ad-hoc mode.
So, the following statement is correct according to the given scenario of the following mode.