<span>The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is the live, weakened measles virus. The vaccine is made from an attenuated form of the virus and combined with protein or small viruses and bacteria extracted from the virus. Nucleic acid vaccine is a vaccine that is attenuated whole-agent vaccine.</span>
<span>A vesícula biliar é uma estrutura em forma de pêra, oca localizada sob o fígado e no lado direito do abdômen. Sua principal função é armazenar e concentrar a bile, uma enzima digestiva marrom-amarela produzida pelo fígado. A vesícula biliar é parte do trato biliar.</span>
<em>e. speciation</em>
The definition of speciation is: the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species.
In this scenario, the bears that were once of the same species evolved in order to adapt to their environment. Once they evolved, they could no longer produce with each other, as they are now different species.