Nationhood and national unity is a compelling and valid state interest. we feel very certain that congress has the power to both
adopt a national symbol and to take steps to prevent the destruction of that symbol, to protect the symbol . . . we believe that if a symbol is . . . abused that it can in fact, lose its symbolic effect. according to texas's attorney, why should the flag be protected? to uphold it as a symbol of unity to prevent other symbols from being adopted to allow it to lose its symbolic effect to preserve it as a symbol of nationhood to protect its effect as a symbol
The narrator highlights the importance of the effect of the flag has as a symbol. The flag is a symbol of nationhood and national unity. Therefore, if the flag is destructed or used with no respect, it'd be as if doing the same to what it symbolizes: the unity and nationhood of the country. And according to the author, that is enough reason to protect it.
Because this is constant, we know that the table represents a linear function. In general, to determine whether a table represents a linear function, we make sure the change in y for each unit of change in x is constant.
They bring people together to achieve control of the government, develop policies ... The basic purpose of political parties is to nominate candidates for public office and to get as many of them elected as possible. Once elected, these officials try to achieve the goals of their party through legislation and program initiatives.