Answer: There are 5 categories/classifications of musical instruments according to Sachs Horn Bostel.
These include the following:
Electrophones, membranophones, idiphones, chordophones and electrophones.
Examples of each the above classifications are:
Chordophones: guitar and harp
Aerophones: Saxophone, flute and trumpet.
Membranophones: include vibration instruments like violin, guitar can as well fall in this category.
Electrophones: these include electronic organ
Idiphones: these may include bells, cymbals and xylophones.
Answer and Explanation:
Kant's principle of universalizability suggests that we do what we feel should be generalised or in his words universalised. I'm there words for something to be considered morally valid it should be generally satisfactory and not just apply to one person
On the other hand his principle of humanity suggests that we do those things that treat each human being as though he is the end not the means. In other words, we do not consider another human being to be something that could be used to achieve another thing but the sole purpose or end for which anything is done
The above do have contradictory applications since by generalizing a thing we could still be using a human being and not making him the end in this respect. I believe the best of the two principles however is the humanity principle since by holding this principle dear every human being would treat each other better and the universalizability principle would still apply.
Option a==> yellow-dog contracts.
In the United States of America, there was a period( 1920s and early 1930s) that in order to secure a job, the employees has to come into aggreement with the employers that they will never form or join any union relating to labour. This case was very rampant in the public sector of the economy in which people seeking for work has to give up their rights to protest for unjustice ( for example teachers during those times were not to join any labour union).
The reason behind yellow-dog contracts is to make sure that employers are able to stop workers from protesting.
Therefore, we can see from the Explanation above that Rosedale Shoe Factory was making use of yellow-dog contracts.
behavioral segmentation
Behavioral segmentation or behavioral by purchasing habits allows identifying and quantifying groups of individuals (or companies) that exhibit a homogeneous purchasing behavior, with respect to the products / services that make up the company's portfolio, among individuals belonging to the same group and disparate between individuals of different groups.
Wollstone presented her arguments really well.
At that time, she countered the argument that view women should live solely to pleasure men since women are not as physically as strong as women to be useful in jobs.
She acknowledge that women are not physically as strong as men but it does not become a reason why women should be treated unfairly, since there are many types of job that does not require hard physical labor (I.e: Bartender, lawmaker, etc)