If there's an economic downturn in a country where the taxes are very high, and those taxes are used for the funding of the numerous social programs, than the country can very quickly face high rates of poverty and maybe even an internal conflict.
If the economy suddenly starts to crumble, the people that work would not be able to support themselves with the paying of very high taxes, thus they will rebel against that in order for the taxes to be lowered down.
On the other hand, that will result in little to no funding for the social programs. That will bring in revolt in the people that are very poor and need those programs, but also the people that do not work by their will but have relied on those money.
These two sides of the picture can easily bring in a lot of violence, tensions, even a revolution.
Answer: Pequot Indians killed an English trader, which led to conflict.
You welcome.
Now before explaining this is kind of an opinionated question and answers could vary from person to person. The reason I believe Serbia is most responsible for the Great War is due to the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip a Serbian nationalist with ties to the secretive military group known as the Black Hand. It is agreed by most that the beginning of WW1 or The Great War is not only due to this assasination but also due to the alliances being formed pre-war but despite this the actions of Mr. Princip kickstarted one of the bloodiest wars in history that will never be forgotten.
It could be argued that a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and changing laws rather than by revolution is called "liberalism," although it should be noted that some extreme liberals can be in favor of revolution as well.