Spoofing that occurs when an intruder computer fools network into believing its IP address is associated with trusted source
Image result for Which of the following is a quality of a mixed economy? 1. Businesses have complete control of what they import. 2. Individuals have complete control of what they export. 3.Leaders determine the wages of individuals without any input from businesses. 4. Government encourages free trade of specific products.
'One main characteristic of a mixed economy is the ownership of goods by both private and government/state-owned entities. Monopolies have the potential to occur in this type of economy, but the government closely monitors this. For the economy to be mixed, the government can control some parts but not all.
Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.
//set header file
#include <iostream>
//set namespace
using namespace std;
//define class
class format
//set access modifier
//set string type variable
string res;
//define function
void names(string first_name, string last_name)
//set if-else if condition to check following conditions
if(first_name.length()>0 && last_name.length()>0)
res="Name: "+last_name+", "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()>0 and last_name.length()==0)
res="Name: "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()==0 and last_name.length()==0)
//define function to print result
void out(){
//define main method
int main() {
//set objects of the class
format ob,ob1,ob2;
//call functions through 1st object
//call functions through 2nd object
//call functions through 3rd object
ob2.names("", "");
Name: Morris, John
Name: Jhon
<u>Following are the description of the program</u>:
- Define class "format" and inside the class we define two void data type function.
- Define void data type function "names()" and pass two string data type arguments in its parameter "first_name" and "last_name" then, set the if-else conditional statement to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is also greater than 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variables added to the variable "res". Then, set else if to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is equal to 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variable "first_name" added to the variable "res".
- Define void data type function "out()" to print the results of the variable "res".
- Finally, we define main method to pass values and call that functions.