The abiotic elements are the nonliving ones like sand and rocks
Not necessarily
There are animals in which vision and audition are more specialized than in humans, while in other species this relation fails. For example, in predatory birds, the vision clarity surpassing human eyesight, since this sense is required for effective prey capture. Conversely, in the European mole (<em>Talpa europaea</em>), which is a mammal that lives mostly underground, the vision is seriously short-sighted. These are clear examples that "the function makes the organ", ie., phenotypic features such as vision and audition are selected in the course of evolution depending on the fitness that they confer to the species in particular environmental conditions.
Answer: Saprophytic and parasitic
The fungi in general is a group of saprophytic as well as parasitic organisms that feeds upon the dead and decaying matter as well on the living organisms. These organism cannot prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis like plants and other autotrophs but are dependent upon others organisms as well as dead matter for their food requirements.
La tendencia hacia un equilibrio relativamente estable entre elementos interdependientes, especialmente cuando se mantiene mediante procesos fisiológicos.
if this is wrong sorry i had to use google translate
The radiologic
skeletal survey is most useful tool for detecting occult trauma fractures in children
younger than 2 years old. A current policy states that skeletal survey is
mandatory in all cases of suspected child abuse because younger
children are easier to lift, shake, throw, pull and fall. Moreover, occult fractures can be detected by bone scan
though; bone scan is not specific for fracture but still most useful in
detecting occult rib fractures.