Decomposer, they eat dead organic material
Organic matter in the soil is significant in making hummus. Hummus, on the other hand, is hygroscopic and therefore holds water and nutrients in the soil and alleviates leaching. This makes these factors available to plants for growth and promotes vegetation growth.
There is a direct relationship between shell color, presence of banding, and habitat because they greatly affect each other in various ways.
<h3>Relationship between shell color, presence of banding, and habitat </h3>
Shell colour shows stronger and more consistent variation with habitat than do banding patterns. Yellow colour shells are present at higher frequencies in open habitats than in woods or closed habitats.
While on the other hand, banding serve as camouflage to protect the organism from bird predators so we can conclude that there is a direct relationship between shell color, presence of banding, and habitat.
Learn more about shell here:
How Mutations Can Lead to Human Evolution?
A mutation is the random change in the nucleotide sequence or in the DNA organization (genotype) of a living being, [1] that produces a variation in its characteristics and that is not necessarily transmitted to the offspring. It occurs spontaneously and suddenly or due to the action of mutagens. This change will be present in a small proportion of the population (variant) or the organism (mutation). The genetic unit capable of mutating is the gene, the unit of hereditary information that is part of DNA.
In multicellular beings, mutations can only be inherited when they affect reproductive cells. A consequence of mutations can be, for example, a genetic disease. However, although they may seem harmful in the short term, mutations are essential to our long-term existence. Without mutation there would be no change, and without change life could not evolve.
this came out I hope it helps you
If think about it if it was asexual then it came from 1 parent so it would be W