3. IV:height of drop DV:height of bounce CV: type of ball, place where ball is dropped, climate/wind
4. IV: battery type DV: time that it lasts CV: age of batteries, age of material (flashlights), type of materials (flashlights), size of batteries
5. IV:depth of water DV: temperature CV: amount of water in lake, temperature, climate/season
Simple species that can tolerate the often- harsh environment become established first. These organisms help enrich the soil, allowing other species to become established. The first organisms to appear in areas of primary succession are often mosses or lichens.
A considerable increase in phytoplankton populations in winter, and a greater increase in spring due to increase in light intensity.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are important nutrients required by phytoplankton populations. The growth of phytoplankton populations is dependent on the level of the availability of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the presence of sunlight.
A rise in the aquatic coastal levels of nitrogen and phosphorus would result in a great increase in phytoplankton populations in spring, as stimulated by nutrient enrichment coupled with the availability of sunlight during spring. Phytoplankton populations would increase also in winter but not as high when compared to the rise in population in spring