Judy's next step is to feel stressed if her request for time off on Wednesday and Thursday is not met.
The transactional stress theory, also called the cognitive model, underlines the importance of mental judgment processes for stress: according to this theory, stress reactions result from the relationship between demand and available means. This relationship is, however, mediated by cognitive processes (value judgments and others). Thus, not only external factors can act as stressors, but also internal factors such as values, goals, etc. The model provides for two judgment processes:
- Primary appraisal: where the individual finds himself in a situation of his displeasure (in the case of the above question, Judy cannot meet her boyfriend because of the mismatch of her work.) And looks for ways to adapt the situation so that get more comfortable (In the case above, Judy tries to make her break the same days as her boyfriend's break).
- Secondary appraisal: At this point, the individual evaluates whether his attempt to adapt has had positive or negative results. If the results are positive the individual does not feel stress, if the results are negative, the individual becomes stressed and may experience feelings of anger, sadness, fear, among others.
For this reason, we can conclude that if Judy's request to have Wednesday and Thursday as her days off so she can meet her boyfriend is not granted; she will be stressed.
porque ese es el día que conmemora el movimiento por los derechos de las mujeres y celebra los logros políticos, culturales, sociales y económicos de las mujeres. ... También es un día para trabajar para erradicar la violencia contra la mujer. Se celebra en todo el mundo y cuenta con el apoyo de varios grupos.
Mi explicación no es nada que acabo de enseñarme esto en la escuela.
It is B attributional bias. <span>In psychology, an </span>attribution bias<span> or </span>attributional bias<span>is a cognitive </span>bias<span> that refers to the systematic errors made when people evaluate or try to find reasons for their own and others' behaviors.</span>
Answer: Georgia's largest civilian contribution to the war effort came from the coastal region, where laborers constructed nearly 200 "Liberty ships" to transport troops and goods to the European and Pacific theaters. Over the next three years, the company employed more than 15,000 people and built a total of 88 ships