a. Leslie, who is independent and self-confident. She doesn’t need people to tell her what to do.
b. Malcolm, who loves to play. His last boss says that Malcolm was the "chief kid" in his last office.
c. Frankie, who has been in the toy business for 10 years and who knows what he’s doing, but who always likes testing a new idea.
In this scenario the CEO of a start-up toy manufacturer wants to create at least 10 wildly different toys in the next three years.
He will primarily need people that are creative and are inclined to work with new ideas.
The wrong choice will be someone who follows the rules and is stable. Such a staff will not contribute new ideas that will move the company to make profits.
Leslie is confident and does not need to be told what to do, so she will take initiative to do new things.
Malcolm loves to play and this will boost creative ideas.
Frankie likes testing new ideas and will be comfortable working creatively.
Short 1.5 shares
Given data :
Risk free rate = 3%
current price ( market price ) = $25
Delta of 1-year at money European call on MCD = 0.5
<u>Determine how many shares of MCD John should either Long or short to achieve a delta-neutral </u>
use the relation below
4 * 0.5 + 1 ( 0.5 - 1 ) + x = 0
x ( number of shares ) = - [ 4 * 0.5 + 1 ( 0.5 - 1 ) ]
negative ( - ) means MCD should short 1.5 shares
A) There is a 50% chance the game ends in a tie, 10% chance you win (and therefore a 40% chance you lose).
expected value = (50% x 20) + (10% x 50) + (40% x 0) = 10 + 5 + 0 = 15
B) There is a 50-50 chance of winning and there are no ties.
expected value = (50% x 50) + (50% x 0) + = 25 + 0 = 25
C) There is an 80% chance you lose and a 10% chance you win or tie.
expected value = (10% x 20) + (10% x 50) + (80% x 0) = 2 + 5 + 0 = 7
The expected value of an event is determined by adding up all the possible outcomes multiplied by their respective value.
Because sometimes the check written after the statement closing dates.
Lets say a company do a closing statement on December 26.
A check written between that date until the end of period ( December 26 - December 31), that transaction simply won't appear on the book because the company already closed the statement on December 26