9/6 = 1.5
24/1.5 = 16
triangle DEF has a primeter of 16 inches
The number of people in a waiting line is a quantitative data as we can count them.
Step-by-step explanation:
Consider the provided information.
The value of quantitative data can be determined by counting or measuring something.
Now consider the provided options.
The player’s number on a baseball uniform, the serial number on a one-dollar bill and the part number of an inventory item is not a quantitative data because we can't measure them.
The number of people in a waiting line is a quantitative data as we can count them.
Lol just trying to be weird
Step-by-step explanation:
Given: A cubic kilometer=
cubic centimeters
The volume of world’s oceans=
cubic kilometers of water.
⇒ The volume of world’s oceans=
cubic centimeters of water.
Volume of a bucket = 20,000 cubic centimeters of water.
The number of bucket-loads would it take to bucket out the world’s oceans

![\Rightarrow\ n=\frac{1.4\times10^{9+15}}{0.2\times10^5}......[a^n\times a^m=a^{m+n}]\\\Rightarrow\ n=7\times10^{24-5}.....[\frac{a^m}{a^n}=a^{m-n}]\\\Rightyarrow\ n=7\times10^{19}](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5CRightarrow%5C%20n%3D%5Cfrac%7B1.4%5Ctimes10%5E%7B9%2B15%7D%7D%7B0.2%5Ctimes10%5E5%7D......%5Ba%5En%5Ctimes%20a%5Em%3Da%5E%7Bm%2Bn%7D%5D%5C%5C%5CRightarrow%5C%20n%3D7%5Ctimes10%5E%7B24-5%7D.....%5B%5Cfrac%7Ba%5Em%7D%7Ba%5En%7D%3Da%5E%7Bm-n%7D%5D%5C%5C%5CRightyarrow%5C%20n%3D7%5Ctimes10%5E%7B19%7D)
bucketloads would it take to bucket out the world’s oceans.
Positive 2
Step-by-step explanation:
its like ur subtracting 9+ (-7)
its basically 9-7=2
but not all problems r like this.
Brainlest plz