1) Yes, Publisher relation should have a publisherID primary key.
2) NOT NULL and UNIQUE for the BookID, BranchID, CardNumber and name of the borrower in the Book, Book_Copies, Library_branch, and Borrower relations respectively. The DueDate field of the book_loan relation must be a time constraint. The BookID of the Book relation must be serial number for automatic addition and update of bookid across the database.
The Publisher relation should have primary key publisherID which should replace the publisherName in the Book relation to easily make a join query and attain a third-level database model.
The Query object is used to asks a question about the data stored in a database and displays the specific fields and records that answer the question.
In code form, the select command is used for queries.
Sure, but I won't unmute or turn on camara. What's the code?
a and d are invalid sequences because they contain an even number of 1's.
Odd parity means that you want an odd number of 1's in the resulting set of bits. Since there are 3 (=odd) bits in the set, a zero must be added to keep the total odd.
In modern word everything around us like GPS, ATM machines, cell phones, petrol pumps, portable play stations and all other modern devices use computer controlling units to conduct their featured operations. Surely computers have very elaborated role in daily day life of humans.
hope it helps thxs