The following code is written in Java, the function takes in a list with the previous day's values. The function then uses that list, loops through it and multiplies each individual value by 2 and returns the modified list. The first red square represents the test case for the function, while the second red square in the image represents the output.
public static ArrayList<Integer> doubleIt(ArrayList<Integer> mylist) {
for (int x = 0; x<mylist.size(); x++) {
mylist.set(x, mylist.get(x)*2);
return mylist;
The correct answer or solution to the question above is marked A
The IP QoS which is fully known as QUALITY OF SERVICE mechanism that involves prioritizing traffic is DIFFERENTIATED SERVICES (DiffServ).
DIFFERENTIATED SERVICES help to differentiate ,arrange ,manage, control and focus on network traffic that are of great significance or important first before network that are less important or by their order of importance in order to provide quality of service and to avoid network traffic congestion which may want to reduce the quality of service when their is to much load on the network .