b) economic
Economic risk can be described as the probability that investment in the home country will be affected by changes in exchange rates, a political instability, a change in government regulation or policy, or any other macroeconomic conditions especially in a foreign country.
Despite that the government of Ugania has been trying to stimulate its economy extending huge amounts of loans to the business enterprises in the country, the failure to generate the profits necessary to repay their debts by borrowers likely due to be that the business enterprises in Ugania are most likely to facing economic risk.
customer must be sent a copy of the official statement, if available
$6 million
If 25% of the firm is worth $1.5 million, then 100% of the firm will be worth $6 million (= $1.5 million x 4).
This is an all equity firm, which means it has no liabilities, and it is also a closely held corporation which makes it harder for a stockholder to sell his/her shares. Basically the fair value of the 1,000 shares is the money you can get from your fellow shareholders.