Roman historiography stretches back to at least the 3rd century BC and was indebted to earlier Greek historiography. The Romans relied on previous models in the Greek tradition such as the works of Herodotus and Thucydides. Roman historiographical forms are usually different from their Greek counterparts, however, and often emphasize Roman concerns. The Roman style of history was based on the way that the Annals of the Pontifex Maximus, or the Annales Maximi, were recorded. The Annales Maximi include a wide array of information, including religious documents, names of consuls, deaths of priests, and various disasters throughout history. Also part of the Annales Maximi are the White Tablets, or the "Tabulae Albatae", which consist of information on the origin of the Roman Republic.
Hellenic historiography involves efforts made by Greeks to track and record historical events. By the 5th century BC, it became an integral part of ancient Greek literature and held a prestigious place in later Roman historiography and Byzantine literature.
Adolf Hitler in Germany, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and Francisco Franco in Spain
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born Dictator of Germany who implemented Fascism and caused the Holocaust. Benito Mussolini supported Hitler and Germany in World War II, but after he was overthrown and assassinated. Francisco Franco organized the revolt in Morocco, which led to the Spanish Civil War and won it after three years of fighting.
4. China and Korea
Because he used Korea to invade Japan
Suberbanization would most deffinitly be the correct answer
B. Checks the person's credit history to make sure he or she pays on time