American cotton production soared from 156,000 bales in 1800 to more than 4,000,000 bales in 1860 (a bale is a compressed bundle of cotton weighing between 400 and 500 pounds). This astonishing increase in supply did not cause a long-term decrease in the price of cotton.
self efficacy
The protection motivation theory states that people aims to protect themselves from four factors mainly. They are :
-- the seriousness of a threat
-- the probability of the occurrence of the threat
-- the efficacy of prevented behavior
-- perceived self efficacy
This theory was originally conceptualized to to clarify the fear appeals by Rogers in the year 1975. The protection motivation theory stems out from threat appraisal and the coping appraisal. The copying appraisal includes efficacy and self efficacy. When using this theory, the behavior change results when the ficus of change is on self efficacy than the threat itself.
The answer for this one would be C! Hope it helps :)
Herbie is using rationalization. This defense mechanism consists in justifying or rationalizing the actions that it carries out in a way that censorship is avoided. A logical explanation to the thoughts or behaviors is given in order to reduce or avoid feelings of anxiety, inferiority or even guilt.
I hope my answer can help you.