The trustee period in Georgia is literally the first two decades of its existence. The fact that the state population grew real quick was one of the best events because it allowed the state to build more schools and gain political representation. The negative part was that it grew bigger through the practice of slavery.
Because they had <u>a massive exploration by the mother country</u> (the one responsible by the conquest), <u>which took a considerable part of their goods.</u>
The Latin American colonies were different from the British Colonies (Thirteen Colonies and Canada) <u>because they were explored massively by Portugal and Spain during the three centuries of colonialism.</u> The Iberian countries were following an economic and political idea called <u>Mercantilism</u> which, as the main aspect, was<u> the exploration of a colony, taking the goods and sending it to the mother country. Only a small part was left for the colony.</u> And why those colonies don't rebel against the mother country, you may ask. Because since the very moment the Iberian countries began their colonization, they didn't leave any possibility of revolution, with laws and severe control of the settlers and natives. <u>Any try of revolution or riot was massively dismissed with violence.</u>
Ebonics, Spanglish, text using the vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation, English words fusing with other languages.
The conditions that support democratic institutions in creating a stable civilian government are as follows:
1. Education and Literacy: A well-educated society is not only more productive but is also able to make better decisions for governance.
2. A Strong Middle Class: A more educated society will be able to work in higher-paying jobs. While an elite rich class and a poor working class are the norm in every society, the idea for every government is to ensure that the Middle Class is expanded and the extreme of both rich and poor are decreased.
A strong middle class is the back-bone of every society.
3. Opportunity for Advancement: Every person, regardless of race, class, religion should have an equal opportunity to get an education, find a job, start a business and advance in life.
These 3 conditions support a stable civilian government and should ensured by democratic institutions.