<h2>A. Cameron is guilty of slander</h2>
Make false oral statements that can damage a persons reputation is called slander. It is the spoken defamation of a person. Slander is a legal term, it is considered to be a civil wrong and is considered to be a civil wrong (Tort).
A person can file lawsuit against the person who for slander. the published or written defamatory statement is called Libel.
Since, Cameroon defamed Bradley by spreading rumours, Bradley can file a slander lawsuit against Cameroon.
They did not like the idea at all. They wanted land period. The fact that the United States wanted their country to streach from coast to coast and that this land belonged to them anyway (according to manifest destiny) ment that Mexico would have to give up their claims or go to war for that land.
Son muchas las ventajas que este mecanismo ha traído a la población colombiana,un campo en el que se ha visto mucho la acción de la "tutela" por parte de los colombianos es en el tema de la salud.
Muchos colombianos se han visto obligados a recurrir a este mecanismo debido a la negligencia de algunas entidades de salud o EPS,que no brindan una atención eficiente y oportuna a los pacientes, sobre todo en el caso de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y en algunos casos mortales.
Los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas o que requieren tratamiento , necesitan constantemente medicamentos o tratamientos especiales ; sin embargo algunas entidades de salud se demoran mucho en brindar estos servicios o en el peor de los casos niegan o impiden que los pacientes reciban estos servicios.Por eso los pacientes ejercen su derecho a la "tutela " es decir mediante un escrito explican el motivo de la tutela ,también se especifica para quien va dirigida la tutela (es decir la persona o entidad que está afectando el derecho a la vida y a la salud) y este documento se presenta ante un juez.
It should be the majority party.
Serf is the correct answer.
Under feudalism, serfs (also known as peasants) represented the lowest class in the system. Even though they were not slaves neither own the land the worked in, they were bound to it. Serfs were required to give a part of their harvest to the person who actually owned te land. In return, these serfs were able to keep their own subsistence and were protected against bandits, thieves and possible injustices.