In politics, the opposition comprises one or more political parties or other organized groups that are opposed, primarily ideologically, to the government (or, in American English, the administration), party or group in political control of a city, region, state, country or other political body.
Rebel against the government that is oppressing them
In the context of the Declaration<span> of </span>Independence<span>, </span>happiness<span> was about ... Life, Liberty and the </span>pursuit<span> of </span>Happiness did<span> not </span>mean you have<span> the ... </span>Jefferson<span> once </span>said<span>: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to </span>have<span> for lunch. ... The Constitution only gives </span>people<span> the </span>right<span> to </span>pursue happiness<span>.</span>
When Europeans discovered New Zealand<span>, they wondered about the origins of the Māori people. Captain James Cook noticed that Polynesians and Māori had similar appearances and cultures. He believed they had migrated from the islands of South-East Asia</span>