The brain, spinal cord , sensory organs, and all the nerves that connect these organs to the rest of the body make up the nervous system. Together, these organs are responsible for the body 's control and contact between its components. The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system (CNS) control center, where information is assessed and decisions are made. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) sensory nerves and sense organs track conditions within and outside the body, and transmit this information to the CNS. Strong nerves in the PNS carry signals to regulate their functions from the control center to the muscles , glands, and organs.
According to the <em>role theory</em>, people, as members of society, <em>assume particular social roles and their day to day activities are defined by these roles</em>. While roles are comprised of duties, rights, and behaviors, they also come with expectations from other people.
<u>Role Expectations</u> include <u>qualities and actions, which the role performed has to meet</u>. For example, woman who performs role of a ‘mother’ is expected to be caring <em>(quality)</em> and dedicate her active time to parenting <em>(action)</em>.
The correct answer is - E.) to increase national sovereignty.
By cooperation on regional or global level the states do not, and can not really do anything about increasing the national sovereignty. The reason for that is that the national sovereignty is the matter of the state itself, its politics, policies, and handling of the situations in the country. The other countries with whom the state cooperates have nothing to do with it, nor it is their place to interfere in the national sovereignty of the other states, be it friendly states or not.
The remove_sort_reverse function takes a list, removes all "s" in the list elements, sorts and then reverses the remaining elements
<h3>The actual program</h3>
The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
#This defines the function
def remove_sort_reverse(myList):
#This iterates through the list
for i in range(len(myList)):
#This removes all the s in the list elements
myList[i] = myList[i].replace("s","")
#This sorts and reverses the list elements
#This returns the updated list
Read more about Python functions at:
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