When you get your first job, the last thing in the world you're thinking about is saving money for the future. However, if you d
o not set aside money, you could run into some long-term problems. Sure, you know how much your cell phone bill will be each month. If you have a car payment to make, you know exactly what the amount of that bill will be. These are the expenses you can plan for. However, what if the brakes on the car need to be replaced? Or worse yet, what if the car breaks and you cannot drive it? If you haven't been saving money from your paychecks all along, you won't be able to afford these expenses. You'll either have to borrow money from your monthly budget to pay for the unexpected cost, which means you won't have enough money to pay your regular bills, or you'll have to choose to not make these repairs, which will make you unable to drive your car to work. In the long run, not saving money is a bad choice.
The word committees means an economic good. Not only does gold and ivory connects to the definition being riches, but also is being talked about in the small written passage.