The average conversion energy from producers to primary consumers is b. 10%.
This percentage actually holds true for all transfer of energy at any trophic level in the food chain. Majority of the energy loss can be attributed to metabolic processes that give off heat and other forms of energy. It is important to note that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed from one form to another.
The answer is charged amino
acid group.
<span>Grouping of amino acid into
one of three categories are only based on its R group. And there is an amino
and carboxyl group are present in the amino acid that are ionized so we can say
that amino acid is technically charged and there is one thing to remember that
Amino acids that are classified as polar, they are not having any charge.</span>
D. average hamster weight decreases with an increase in the daily amount of a drug until the hamsters reach a minimum possible weight.
Trend: There was a gradual decrease in the hamster's weight til a minimum was reached, after with the rate of its change in weight with treatment over time plateaued.
Trends are gradual notable changes or patterns over a series of data points on a line or curve of a graph. These allow for summarizing data and predicting results. A data summary provides a comprehensive report of experimental findings. This makes the analysis of data easier by answering key research objectives outlined in the experimental procedure. Summaries allow for tracking trends and procedural changes, observations and potential; this makes it easier to arrive at conclusions faster.
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<span> A scientific law always applies under the same conditions, and implies that there is a causal relationship involving its elements.</span>