Answer: Target Costing
Target Costing is a method of costing on a product done while it's still being produced to determine the best price at which the product can be sold that would be able to compete with price of other similar products in the market and still make profit for the company.
RTP Corp needs to apply target costing for it's new computer processor in order for it to be profitable and beat the price of other processors in the market.
"Capital rationing" would be the appropriate answer.
- Capital rationing is a systematic process for allocating remaining cash through various alternative investments, thus growing the bottom line of a financial institution.
- It consists of calculating profitability economic indicators across all projects as well as choosing the best ventures which result in the highest present value especially when associated.
1. Inventory account will be affected and assertions of accuracy and valuation will be violated.
2. Assets are overstated and assertion classification is violated.
3. Liability is understated and assertions of accuracy is violated.
4. No impact.
Assertions are certain claims of a business which a business must fulfill in order to make its financial statements reliable. A company has to record the expense when it is incurred in order to provide accuracy in valuation. In the given cases the assertions are violated which impact business accounts.
"E "
Just in time inventory is an inventory management system where inventory required for production are ordered at the point of production.
This practice helps to maximize profit as investment on inventory carriage and storage are minimized , aiding an improved working capital management.
It is of importance that machine break down is avoided and there is a reliability of man power in order to avoid operation down time when there is a demand.
Also , there must be a solid arrangement with supplier for it to be effective.